Sunday, January 18, 2009

Sunday Jan. 18th, '09

It was so cool going to my uncle Michael & aunt Karen's house last night with mom. They fed her dinner and my uncle fussed over me a lot. he even went into his basement and brought up this huge doggie bed/pillow thing. Every time he got up from his chair he checked on me to see if I was doing alright. *heart* We walked back home after they watched a movie and the snow came almost up to my tummy! *happy dance* I love going for walks and I extra love the snow. So far this morning, my mom has gotten our breakfasts ready and I know we are going outside soon so she can move the snow around. Humans make no sense sometimes. Why move the snow from one area and put it in a bigger pile in another? It looks all pretty the way it is now. Maybe when she leaves this life she can come back as a smarter being..a dog of course.

The cats are still stupid. They run around here at 90 miles an hour and look surprised when they slide on the kitchen floor and bump into stuff. *roll eyes*

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