Sunday, January 25, 2009

Holy doggy nuggets!!!!!! Mom has some kind of torture machine in a closet. It makes the most hideous noise ever. She was wrestling it all around the house...she'd push it away and it would come back at her...then she'd push it again and it's would still try to get her. She won the fight though because she finally hit it in just the right spot and it died and she put its carcass in the closet from where it came. Yeah mom!! I feel more secure now knowing that she's here to protect us from crazy machines like that. *whew*

Saturday, January 24, 2009

I guess the cats aren't that bad. Although, when they got hyper and into some kind of cat fight/play it made me very concerned. I started to shake. I tried to hide it but mom was sitting right next to me and she knew.
That was before this picture was taken. All of my pictures look the same. Me laying on the couch or floor. I hope mom takes some pics of me outside soon. Then everyone can see me when I'm all happy and energetic. I also wish that my leash was longer or that mom could trust that I wouldn't run away because I really want to get my "puppy game" on.

Sunday, January 18, 2009

Sunday Jan. 18th, '09

It was so cool going to my uncle Michael & aunt Karen's house last night with mom. They fed her dinner and my uncle fussed over me a lot. he even went into his basement and brought up this huge doggie bed/pillow thing. Every time he got up from his chair he checked on me to see if I was doing alright. *heart* We walked back home after they watched a movie and the snow came almost up to my tummy! *happy dance* I love going for walks and I extra love the snow. So far this morning, my mom has gotten our breakfasts ready and I know we are going outside soon so she can move the snow around. Humans make no sense sometimes. Why move the snow from one area and put it in a bigger pile in another? It looks all pretty the way it is now. Maybe when she leaves this life she can come back as a smarter being..a dog of course.

The cats are still stupid. They run around here at 90 miles an hour and look surprised when they slide on the kitchen floor and bump into stuff. *roll eyes*

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Today my mom picked up some meds for my leg. I have to see the doggy doc on the 26th to see if there's a serious reason for my limp and why I try not to put weight on that leg. When she got home she still took me for my favoritest thing in the whole world...a walk!!!!!! *heart* *heart* It is really cold around here today. When we were close to home she was stopped by both neighbors and kept me waiting while she talked it up with them. *yawn* Of course I stood there and looked cute just to impress them and make them gush over me. :)

As soon as we got back in the house, mom thought she could get the door opened enough to grab the mail...well, I took that opportunity to run out. And even though I saw the hope in her eyes...I took off down the sidewalk. Since she had to get her boots on it gave me time to say hi to the neighbor across the street and run around some more. The nice girl next door (whom we had already talked to, along with her Husky) was asking me to come back. I had mom running all over the yard trying to catch me. I didn't go far but I made her think I was taking off for good. I really don't know why I did that...I just felt like I "had to", ya know? The neighbor girl opened the door to my house and tried to get me to go was saying "go home Bea" in a nice voice. I really wasn't sure if I was going to be in trouble or not so I played hard to get for a while longer...then walked right up to my new mom. I think that really made her day. Plus it got me hugs and treats once we settled back down inside the house.

Monday, January 12, 2009 mom carried me upstairs to sleep in the same room as her and the twins. I have decided that cats (the twins I speak of) are not very bright. One found the door stopper and thought it was the coolest thing since back scratches. *roll eyes* Twenty minutes of hearing *boing...boing...boing...boing* maybe they are trying to drive mom and I insane so they can have us committed and keep the house to themselves.

Sunday, January 11, 2009

Bea's Diary

My name is Bea and I've been in my new home for 8 days now.

My mom bought me from a rescue group named Metro Area Adoption Association.

It seemed like it would be a good gig for me...warm comfy home and steady meals. I had spent at least two years on the streets of Detroit and had at least three litter of babies before they finally caught me. They cheated though, they waited until I was nursing the last group of nipple suckers when they nabbed me.

When my mom brought me home I found out that I have two twin brothers. Apparently they moved into the house two days before I did. They are obnoxiously hyperactive. They act like they own the place.