Saturday, December 5, 2009

Yesterday we had a fun time on our walk. I waited all day while mom was working and when she finally got home I was crying with anticipation. I hopped, skipped and pranced all the way to the woods and then when mom let me off the leash the puppy side of me came alive! I ran faster than a televangelist can tell a lie...I zigged and zagged better than any politician and acted like I was searching for prey better than a lobbyist in Washington D.C. Mom walked around and occasionally encouraged my silly play...then when I wasn't looking she hid behind a tree. I didn't know where she was so I ran in the direction I had seen her last. The smart alack jumped out from behind the tree just as I approached. It freaked me out so I decided it was "game on sister". We did some dodging and I body slammed her a few times. I acted like I was going to bite her arm while I was really trying to wrap my legs around hers and knock her down. She was laughing like she thought I was just playing. :P We had a great time but then it ended and we had to come home. Mom was walking away from the woods and I snuck up on her so quietly that when she turned around to see where I was...she missed me...she thought I wasn't around when I was actually right by her side...I can be covert like that. *cool*

I hope that all of you get everything that you wish for on Christmas morning.

I'm dreaming of a nice long walk, a thorough brushing and body massage all to be followed up with some tasty meat product cooked up special for me.

Saturday, August 8, 2009

I know that it's been a while since I've last posted so I thought I should keep all of you up to date. I have cut my walks back a lot. No more 3 mile daily walks for me for now. My uncle Michael has been asking my mom and me to come over more often to enjoy the backyard and a grilled dinner, yummy. Jimi & Motley still hang out with me too much. They sneak around and then run 90 MPH around the house, which makes me very nervous. Jimi fell out of the second floor window a few weeks back. I think that Motley jumped up on the window sill and went to nudge his brother over only to push him through the screen. hehehehe Jimi was alright.
Mom has found them a new home so that I can have a nice quiet and restful place to live. The guy who's taking them will give them a good home and that's good because even though they make me nervous they are good kitties.

Thursday, July 2, 2009

Yesterday my mom dropped me off at the vet's office. They made me go to sleep so that they could check my knee and then x-ray my hips. The stuff they did to my knee has it still kind of sore but they ruled out any knee surgery since I don't have a loose knee after all. But, the x-rays showed that one femur is shorter than the other and that hip joint is very cloudy from arthritis and the damage of an old injury. He told my mom that I probably was hit by a car in that hip when I was a puppy. It made her cry but I'm trying to convince her that I'm really alright. The doc told her what medicine to start me on for pain and that should help. I won't be going on many long walks kind of gets sore when I just walk down the street.
Don't worry about me. I'm a survivor and I'll get by just fine.

Sunday, May 31, 2009

I've really settled in to my new role in life and it's a good one!

Last weekend was Memorial Day weekend and my mom took me up north to go camping with my Aunt Karen and Uncle Mike. They chose a rustic, secluded place to make home for 3 days. After a nice long car ride my mom walked all of our equipment 1/4 of a mile in to the camp site. There was only one other couple camping there so I didn't need to be on the leash. It was great. There was a lake nearby so that ensured many little puddles and other mosquito larva filled mud pits for me to splash and roll in...getting just the right aroma to share with mom when I had to get into our tent at night. :)
She heated up a tray of jalapeno poppers on the first night and I found one of those gems in the ashes of the fire pit the next day. It was yummy, but apparently that shocked my mom and the others. My uncle put two more in the rim of the pit on Sunday night and I ate those on Monday morning. Yum
We went for long hikes around the lake and I spent much time guarding the path to the campsite during the day. Often I'd find a nice hiding place in the pine trees where no one could see me but I could keep an eye on the place. I never let my mom go to the outhouse unescorted. I found out how fun it is to chase squirrels. It was so peaceful up there and nice to have all of that freedom again and yet still feel like part of a safe pack. Mom even seemed to enjoy sleeping outside. Perhaps I can convince her to give the house to the cats and we can go take to the long as she brings that wonderful air mattress..I really have gotten used to sleeping on comfy things at night.

I feel a much stronger bond with my mom now that I had her full attention (without the cats) for 3 whole days...I am back to staying by her side while she's in the living room typing on her computer. And I'm more willing to try other people food. Just a little while ago she offered me a corner of her piece of toast so I tried it and you know what?????it was pretty darned good.

I hope that you all had a great weekend like I did!

Saturday, March 14, 2009

OK, I have been told that I'm slacking. Geeesh, you'd think that someone who had to survive on the streets of Detroit and go through multiple childbirths alone would get a break but noooooooooooooooooooo it's still *crack the whip at the bitch* LOL.

Here's some catch up for you nosy types.

I am sleeping upstairs every night now...and yeah...well mom now knows that's where I am all day while she works. She came home the other day and I didn't here her come in. *blush* I normally meet here at the door all ready for my 3 mile walk. But that day...I was in the dream zone. What can I say? excuses needed or possible when you're a dog. :P

The other day I found out just how ignorant my mom really is. While walking I found a perfectly good piece of charred chicken breast that came out of some unsuspecting person's garbage. Can can you believe this?????? She made me drop it and leave it there!!! I tried to stare her down and hold my ground until she came to her senses, but she prattled on about it might make me sick or some such nonsense. *roll eyes* Like I don't know good meat from bad meat after all this time surviving on my own. Finally, I had to give in to that frigging thing around my neck and walk away with her. I kept looking back to make sure to remember where a good piece of meat could be found later on.
I forgave her later on when she cooked up some turkey breast and put it in with my regular food.

After that I snuggled up to her and nudged her with my head while wagging my tail.

Man, some dog should write this stuff down and let other street dogs know just how easily humans can be won over. You'd have thought I found a family of fat squirrels to share with her the way she acted. Humans have some high pitched voices when they're happy.

The cats are still annoying. They run around at 90 MPH... down the stairs then through the living room, run up the side of the couch and take off into another room. Maybe some day they'll get locked into a mistake of course. *whistling*

It was finally warming up today so we saw many people and other dogs out doing their thing while we were out walking. I got to meet Elmer, Chip, Moe, a big black dog that they said was Great Dane and black lab ( I think it was really a pony...but I didn't want to upset the disillusioned people who took care of him)...I forgot his well as the name of a very big and hyper, black, standard poodle. Lots of little kids were out. They seemed alright but made me a bit nervous. Especially Moe's kid, he was on some 4-wheel thing and wasn't doing a very good job controlling it. We watched him run over a boulder in his front yard and his dad was helping him get unstuck.

We usually go the same route for a week or two then mom lets me chose some different roads to go down.

She came home today with a big bag of different rawhide shapes for me. I really do love being pampered....especially the part where she brushes me for a looooong time.

Well, that's all for now.
Catch you later.

Thursday, February 5, 2009


After our walk yesterday my mom brushed me down. She had me roll onto my back and even brushed my tummy. I felt very vulnerable and had to trust her a lot. Then she coaxed me up the stairs with a nummie (treat). I was shaking from nerves when I was up there eating it because the hallway seems so enclosed. After the nummy was all gone I tried really hard to be brave and stay upstairs because I could tell it was important to my mommy....but I just couldn't. Once I was downstairs I felt badly that I couldn't do what I knew she wanted. But, mom was really nice and let me know that it was alright, she even covered my up with a blankie while I laid on the couch. In the middle of the night I got up my courage and went up the stairs all on my own and slept at the top so that I was closer to her and my spazzy brothers but could still escape down the stairs quickly if needed. She didn't notice me right away when she got up in the morning...but when she was ready to go downstairs she saw me. She was sooooo happy!!! *tail wag* I almost rushed down the stairs but I held fast and even walked over to her. She hugged me and made all kinds of happy noises. My tail did a happy dance. I even followed her back up them a few minutes later when she realized that she had forgotten something.
This evening I went up there again with her and even peeked into the computer room. I prefer it when she uses the computer in the living room on the coffee table so that I can be closer and not nervous. Right now I'm laying on the couch behind her while she's working on the laptop. :)

When we took our evening walk today, we explored a new route. She's pretty cool about that. Often, she lets me just roam the woods at my own pace and sniff until my nose is stuffed full of the gazillion scents available. Today she let me choose the way once we left the woods.

I like how everyone talks to use when we're walking. This neighborhood seems really friendly and lots of dogs live around here.

Sunday, January 25, 2009

Holy doggy nuggets!!!!!! Mom has some kind of torture machine in a closet. It makes the most hideous noise ever. She was wrestling it all around the house...she'd push it away and it would come back at her...then she'd push it again and it's would still try to get her. She won the fight though because she finally hit it in just the right spot and it died and she put its carcass in the closet from where it came. Yeah mom!! I feel more secure now knowing that she's here to protect us from crazy machines like that. *whew*