Saturday, December 5, 2009

Yesterday we had a fun time on our walk. I waited all day while mom was working and when she finally got home I was crying with anticipation. I hopped, skipped and pranced all the way to the woods and then when mom let me off the leash the puppy side of me came alive! I ran faster than a televangelist can tell a lie...I zigged and zagged better than any politician and acted like I was searching for prey better than a lobbyist in Washington D.C. Mom walked around and occasionally encouraged my silly play...then when I wasn't looking she hid behind a tree. I didn't know where she was so I ran in the direction I had seen her last. The smart alack jumped out from behind the tree just as I approached. It freaked me out so I decided it was "game on sister". We did some dodging and I body slammed her a few times. I acted like I was going to bite her arm while I was really trying to wrap my legs around hers and knock her down. She was laughing like she thought I was just playing. :P We had a great time but then it ended and we had to come home. Mom was walking away from the woods and I snuck up on her so quietly that when she turned around to see where I was...she missed me...she thought I wasn't around when I was actually right by her side...I can be covert like that. *cool*

I hope that all of you get everything that you wish for on Christmas morning.

I'm dreaming of a nice long walk, a thorough brushing and body massage all to be followed up with some tasty meat product cooked up special for me.