Thursday, February 5, 2009


After our walk yesterday my mom brushed me down. She had me roll onto my back and even brushed my tummy. I felt very vulnerable and had to trust her a lot. Then she coaxed me up the stairs with a nummie (treat). I was shaking from nerves when I was up there eating it because the hallway seems so enclosed. After the nummy was all gone I tried really hard to be brave and stay upstairs because I could tell it was important to my mommy....but I just couldn't. Once I was downstairs I felt badly that I couldn't do what I knew she wanted. But, mom was really nice and let me know that it was alright, she even covered my up with a blankie while I laid on the couch. In the middle of the night I got up my courage and went up the stairs all on my own and slept at the top so that I was closer to her and my spazzy brothers but could still escape down the stairs quickly if needed. She didn't notice me right away when she got up in the morning...but when she was ready to go downstairs she saw me. She was sooooo happy!!! *tail wag* I almost rushed down the stairs but I held fast and even walked over to her. She hugged me and made all kinds of happy noises. My tail did a happy dance. I even followed her back up them a few minutes later when she realized that she had forgotten something.
This evening I went up there again with her and even peeked into the computer room. I prefer it when she uses the computer in the living room on the coffee table so that I can be closer and not nervous. Right now I'm laying on the couch behind her while she's working on the laptop. :)

When we took our evening walk today, we explored a new route. She's pretty cool about that. Often, she lets me just roam the woods at my own pace and sniff until my nose is stuffed full of the gazillion scents available. Today she let me choose the way once we left the woods.

I like how everyone talks to use when we're walking. This neighborhood seems really friendly and lots of dogs live around here.